Chris Okotie divorces second wife

The news of Nigerian music superstar tuned pastor, Chris Okotie’s 4yrs old marriage coming to an end comes as a shock to members of his church and others that loved the dynamic pastor, but to some it’s part of life as divorce is something people are gradually accepting as part of life. With so many people giving their opinion on this particular divorce, one of the best we have found so far is from Nollywood Director and Producer Mr Charles Novia titled

PASTOR CHRIS’ CRISIS’:   – Confirmed news trending now says Pastor Chris Okotie of the Household of God Church, Lagos and three time Presidential aspirant, today in his church announced the end of his 4 year old marriage to Stephanie, citing irreconcilable differences. I’m as gobsmacked as many people. I was a member of that church from 1996 to 2005 and I can readily testify that PC is a gifted teacher of the word. However, I’m inclined to look beyond such spiritual adulations and dissect the fallibilities of the man and his foibles as a human being. For those who would be inclined to comment that ‘ don’t speak out against a Man of God’ and other such crap, please take your sanctimonious comments to the Gentiles who need such.

I admire and respect the Man of God and will give it to him that he has a special calling to win souls and preach the Gospel. But isn’t it a bit strange that a Pastor would willfully divorce two wives in staggered succession? And what would he be preaching to married couples in his church? ‘You must make your marriage work!?’ My point here is this; THAT PASTOR (AND NOT NECESSARILY OKOTIE HERE) WHOM YOU WORSHIP AND ADORE MORE THAN EVEN THE HEM OF JESUS’ GARMENT IS FIRST AND FOREMOST VERY HUMAN! I can safely say that many Pastors today are fantastic motivational speakers than Preachers. In my opinion, your Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus, not a hero-worship of the Man on the pulpit. And that’s how adherents also worship the other Pastor Chris ( let the reader understand) and sing ‘rhapsodies’ of his praises. Na wah. I remember when Pastor Chris Okotie first announced in 2001 or thereabouts that he was divorcing Tina, his first wife.

You should have seen the single women in church then who were ‘believing’ God that they would be the next ‘Mama of the Church’! Humans will always be humans. Please note that I have not in any way condemned the SPIRITUALISM of Pastor Okotie. I’m only commenting on the human foibles he has like you and me. And many people also forget that Jesus Christ was both GOD and MAN when he was on earth. That theory is called the ‘hypostatic union’- where he lived like man among us and was also a God with us. Only in Our LORD’S case, he was without blemish. In our case, and especially in the case of most of the Pastors of today, they would actually tempt the devil in the wilderness while fasting for forty days! Despite all written, i pray that God comforts Pastor Chris and his seperated ex and give them peace. As God should comfort many of us bewildered by this turn of events. May God help us all.
