A 1on1 Session with Dr Adeleke Keita on Short intercourse (An online medical consultant)

Q: How long have you had this problem?

A: One year or less

Q: Have you ever taken Viagra?

A: Yes

Q: Are you a smoker?

A: Yes/No

Q: Do your partners complain about the quality of sex?

A: Yes

Q: Thank you for your answer. 

I will not reassure you in vain: your case has complex systemic consequences and is a precursor of impotence. In this case there is no point in resorting to the help of incompetent conventional doctors and classical treatment methods.

You must understand that poor potency is not just a problem in bed. It is a very serious condition that, if left untreated, leads to stagnant seminal fluid and cancer, and can kill a man within a few years.

The disease can develop slowly, like a ticking time bomb that will not necessarily explode immediately, but with 100% probability it will explode sooner or later.

Until recently, there was no effective treatment for this disease. If a man was diagnosed with a weakened potency, the only thing that traditional medicine could offer was products that forcibly dilate the blood vessels of the penis (Viagra), gradually destroying them and significantly stressing the heart.

Given the complexity of your case and the importance of resolving it as quickly as possible, I will not offer you useless drugs that can be found on the drugstore shelves. None of them can really help you.

Our next article torchlight and reviews natural foods that you can consume to boost your libido and enhance your potency.
